Wealth Management for Families with Loved Ones Who Have Disabilities
Protecting & Providing for Loved Ones
We have wealth advisors who specialize in financial planning for families with a loved one living with a disability. These wealth advisors have experience helping families craft a plan that integrates the financial aspects families may need to address to support their loved one.
Our Specialized Services for
Loved Ones Who Has a Disability
Serving as Part of Your Care Team
That includes an estate planning attorney, wealth advisor specializing in this area and an accountant to help ensure your wishes are met.
Analyzing Eligibility for Government Programs Including
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medicare, Medicaid, state waivers and local government programs.
Reviewing Guardianship and Key Dates
For government program eligibility, school attendance, post-high school programs and insurance coverage on parents’ plan.
Analyzing Potential Tax Deductions and Credits
Including schools supporting disabilities, home updates for accessibility and credits, such as the child tax credit.
Establishing Estate Planning Strategies
That include establishing a will, living will, power of attorney and trusts to help ensure your loved one is protected and has income long term.
Developing a Life Plan
That outlines your wishes for how your loved one will be taken care of, who is on your care team and what their roles should be after you’re gone.
Mariner Wealth Advisors does not provide all services listed in this piece. Some services are provided by affiliates and are subject to additional fees. Additional fees may also apply for tax planning and preparation services.