Andy Garrison shares his tips for investing in your 20s in this U.S. News article.
Katrina Scott, chief investment officer, was named a member of the Women Who Mean Business Class of 2020 by the Kansas City Business Journal.
Patricia Kummer, managing director, shares what the ‘new normal’ means for investors, discussing what could be temporary and what is likely to last indefinitely.
Jeff Poe, chief financial officer of Mariner Wealth Advisors, was named as a CFO of the Year honoree by the Kansas City Business Journal.
Patricia Kummer, managing director, talks through the current state of the economy and how it has left many people overwhelmed.
Patricia Kummer, managing director, weighs in on how the pandemic has touched the entire world and the significant changes to the way we will do business going forward.
Patricia Kummer, managing director, discusses how the first quarter turned out for investors and issues that were very worrisome that have now passed.
What makes Jana Shoulders a Barron’s top-ranked advisor? She puts her clients first. Before advising, she takes the time to learn their needs and goals.
Acquisition expands nationwide presence and complements holistic wealth management capabilities Overland Park, Kan. – March 3, 2020 – Mariner Wealth Advisors, the wealth advisory firm nationally ranked...
Patricia Kummer, managing director, shares information on filing your tax return and how to potentially get all the benefits of the lowest tax liability possible.