Mariner Institutional Accolades

The Center for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX)


Within the Mariner Institutional brand, several SEC Registered Investment Advisers serve our institutional client base, including Mariner Institutional, LLC and Mariner Wealth Advisors, LLC, as well as several individual advisors (some of which are associated with one affiliate and others with another affiliate). Certain accolades are only applicable to a single Registered Investment Adviser or individual advisor within the Mariner Institutional brand. Please see the below additional disclosures for complete details on each accolade.

Mariner Wealth Advisors is certified by The Center for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) as meeting the standards described in the handbook “Prudent Practices for Investment Advisors.” The standard describes how an investment adviser assumes the responsibility for managing a client’s overall investment management process, which includes the selection, monitoring and de-selection of investment managers, as well as developing processes to implement investment strategies and fiduciary practices on an ongoing basis. These practices also include maintaining a fiduciary checklist for each of our clients to ensure proper fiduciary governance and compliance with ERISA and implementing best practices as described by the Department of Labor.

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